This week was very up and down, however I don’t think there is such a thing as an uneventful week at second.
Thursday seen the introduction of a Portfolio class that will be organised and delivered by me, this will be a great opportunity to work with learners that I don’t teach and really push them conceptually. The first class was facilitated by one of my host teachers and myself but from here on out it will just be me. I feel I would love to work with 3rd level students and as such this will give me a glimpse into this. I brought in my own portfolio from 2012 and discussed the work in it briefly. The learners that attended the after-school class also brought some work they have been working on and some that they are thinking of submitting. I have arranged to meet these learners every two weeks on Thursday however I will see them around the school and can discuss work with me at any time.
I have TY’s twice a week for a double and as is the nature with Ty’s their attendance is not the best to say the least. They are heavily involved in so many things which is great for them but not so great for me trying to complete a unit of learning in a set time-frame. Therefore their attendance is highly affected and on Tuesday I had 12/24 learners and on Friday I had 6/24 learners be present for the lesson. Additionally with the TY programme all learners are to do one module of art as such the majority of the class have little to no experience working in art. This is therefore a challenge however I feel introducing a Graphic Design Cardboard construction project will be the answer to it with the introduction on Tuesday of Typography. Grid lettering has brought with it a layer of confidence for the learners who previously were very self-conscious of their drawing ability. Hopefully in the coming weeks we will continue to progress with the advertisement project with minimal disruptions.
I have two groups of first years and they are such a contrast. Both groups are really energetic and excited about Art which is a fantastic atmosphere to be working in. The group of 1st years that I have on Monday for the most part are quite strong and can work away independently. I am extremely well resourced for this group also. They are familiar with the set up of having key words and doing recaps throughout lesson which is great and all learners participate. The second group of first years I only have once a week, they will be creating masks. They are extremely excited about this and are verging on impatience to start. As I only have them once a week progress will be slow but it will be an interesting unit of learning regardless. The main challenge I have with this group is having to keep them focused, they get very distracted easily. A couple of learners in this group have the potential to create strong work if they would slow down and really analyse the primary source they are working off. All in all though the two groups are hard workers and are eager to get started.